
Growing up I remember going over to my grandmas and she would always be making something in the kitchen. She was always baking cookies, cakes, and pies, my grandpa’s favorite. My grandma made everything from scratch and most of her recipes were saved in her head. She only wrote of few down which was unfortunate for the rest of my family because my grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and all those recipes in her head were lost because by the time, we realized what was happening it was too late. If you have a great recipe that you want to share with the generations to come write it down. 

Another person that helped teach me to cook was my mom. My mom would always make us homemade dinners basically overnight growing up. My mom had to venture out and find recipes that our family liked because when she grew up, they basically had the same thing every week to eat and not much of a variety. The thing I always liked to help her with though was baking the cookies and cakes. I know not really a big surprise guess I take after my grandpa because I LOVE a good cookie. 

I decided to start Pink Beryl as a way for me to write down all the recipes that my family and I enjoy. Then these recipes will be around for my kids and grandchildren even if I don’t remember them. I am also using Pink Beryl as way to try to make some extra money using affiliate links and other items so we can get into a house. Let’s face it with interest rates around 8% and how much a decent house cost in Utah that dream is harder to reach nowadays.